These past few weeks have definitely been busy (emotionally, mentally, spiritually, physically). Eric seems to be going non-stop...and he won't be slowing down any time soon. Examples below:
- Temple trip - still finalizing plans, and scheduling temple interviews.
- This weekend - General Conference weekend (we use DVDs). AND we have a patriarch on island! We just learned a few days ago that he would be visiting which was very exciting considering we don't have a patriarch on Saipan or even Guam so he came all the way from Japan to do 20 patriarchal blessings in 2 days (20 interviews for Eric, scheduled and completed in record time).
- Mock Trial - The team received their new "problem", and now they're preparing for nationals in Atlanta May 4-May 11. Eric has to fly back to Saipan early so he can turn around and hop on a plane again for Manila May 12.
- The unexpected - In the past few weeks we've had 2 terrible family crises in the branch.
- Next week Eric will be responsible for his first wedding and his first funeral.
- Job search - Still hunting (contract's up in Aug). Any firms out there looking to hire a highly qualified and very attractive young attorney??
- Play time - Always have to make time for play (for sanity's sake). Last weekend Eric and I decided to hit a new beach, Marine Beach, and yesterday we went to the zoo! It was a hard sale, but I finally convinced Eric. The zoo here is known for 3 things: 1. being over-priced, 2. being tiny (mostly chickens and rabbits), and 3. having a lion that pees on people. However, we still enjoyed it. The nice thing about the zoo being so small is that you get really close to the animals and you get to feed them (bananas, carrots & popcorn). We especially enjoyed the Bengal tiger, the black bear, the pigs, the coversation with the parrots, and Eric always feels a special connection with the monkeys (the "friendly" lion was asleep sadly).
Oh yeah, and last night we went to the Facey Farms Fajita Fiesta which I'm sad to say I don't have any pictures. All of the boys drew themselves very convincing mustaches (handle bars, horseshoes, etc.) It was hilarious. And we ended the night with a llama pinata.

Fun Stuff! You do such a good job on your layouts! Hope your life calms down a bit...I'm glad you made time to head to the beach together though. Good for you! :)
So glad to get an update - you are busy! Wonderful looking blog, Cass.
Love your blog. Hope all goes well with the temple trip, wedding, and funeral...
We'll be keeping our ears open for jobs too! Boston is a great area...
Sometime I'm going to have to get some info from you on digital scrapbooking...I'm slowly moving in that direction...
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