The Saipan Botanical Garden is less than a mile from our house, but we always said it would be silly to pay admission to see more of what we see everyday, free of charge, on this gorgeous island. However, I was bored one day during a power outage so I decided to walk to the gardens on my own, and I was actually pleasantly surprised and decided to keep my little outing a secret and eventually take Eric there. So today was that day! I packed us up a little Subway lunch and we were on our way.
Oh, and the pictures....Our new camera hasn't actually arrived yet, so out of desperation, I decided to try our old, previously broken, Nikon for the bazillionith time, and of course it's working now?? Not sure if this is good news or not considering a certain, pricey package that's on it's way, but I am glad we were able to get some pictures today.
And oh yeah, I love you Franky!
Fresh fruit and...
"Fresh & fruity"

Eric LOVES it when I take pictures of inanimate objects
How cool is this??
Poor Eric always seems to be wearing a suit these days. This time it's because I stole him away during his lunch break and didn't think to bring him a change of clothes. He was toasty.
The lookout at "103 steps" - Where we ate our lunches and relaxed on our hammocks
If only we had a few more hours!
It's always fun to play in treehouses covered in caution tape.
Eric as Jonah
I can't believe it's been 5 whole years, crazy. Congratulations! Some people take trips to a beautiful island for their anniversary, guess you already had that covered!
wow!! congrat! love the story!
Yay! Happy five years to you too. Did I tell you Scott and i are getting ready to move? And to a far less glamorous destination - Hello again Rexburg!
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