23 May 2010


23 May 2010
My husband warned me that my blog posts were getting a little dull so I took that as a challenge. I'm confident that Eric will love this post.

We may not have as many photo opportunites here in Idaho as we did on Saipan, but that hasn't stopped us from making our own.


It's amazing how thoroughly entertained we were by this little activity. If you haven't guessed, Eric and Jason were just shaking their heads violently from left to right to achieve this somewhat convincing effect. The tricky part is snapping the photo at the right moment.

Eric wins the prize for best floppy cheeks.

I don't think he'll be winning any prizes for sex appeal with these photos, however.


Amy Mak said...

oh my gosh, that's funny. Glad to see Eric hasn't lost any sense of fun and adventure!

Clandestine Road said...

Niiice! My favorite was your commentary at the bottom. Dull? I think not!
