It was a spiritual & humbling experience. And fun too - thanks to good company.

These top 2 photos were taken by Del Benson. Missing from the top pic: Del obviously, Gloria & Liz. (Also, Kim & Wandalyn Wally who, unfortunately, couldn't make it to P.I. because their passports never arrived, despite being expedited/over-nighted. That was probably the biggest disappointment of the trip since their family was sealed, but I know they'll have another opportunity.)

Mark & Elias Magabo. (sealed to their mother/wife who was sick and passed away while they were taking the discussions)
Ice Skating at the Mall of Asia. They even had snow falling from the ceiling!
Mall of Asia
Tagaytay Volcano
All of us crammed into a small jeepney for about 6 hours total. (No A/C, just windows and "Would you Rather?")
Streets of Manila
Zip lines in Tagaytay!

I can't take credit for this photo, but it was taken just a few minutes before we saw him.
CLICK HERE for more pictures from our trip.
Cass! We're so glad to read the update on the temple trip. Very exciting. What a wonderful legacy for Eric to leave as branch president.
Wow, what an amazing trip. Great job, Eric! I'm glad it ended up going so well.
Amazing experience. Thanks for the updates. What great work you are doing.
Hey Cass! Wow, what an amazing adventure you guys are having out there. That is so crazy you saw David Archuleta at the temple. haha It is fun to see him in a white shirt and tie!
So we're moving to Omaha the beginning of July. We're about to put an offer on a house. CRAZY. Take care!
Momma Cass, that sounds like a great trip. What a neat experience. Lindsay has kept me up to date with all your adventures in Saipan. Lindz asked me about our Jeep adventure on R-mountain. I told her that I had everything under control and that Eric overreacted! HA! Tell him I say hi.
Cass, I can't believe how awesome an experience that must've been. We are so blessed to have a temple 20 minutes away, and we totally take it for granted. What an inspiration! I need to learn a lesson from the faithful people in your branch. I can't believe these crazy experiences you are having. I am so jealous!
WOw! That is an awesome trip. The temple and Archuela! Impressive. Did I tell you I'm back in Rexburg? It is so weird!!!
We love reading and seeing your beautiful blog. Wonderful pictures, and we are happy that your temple trip turned out well. It will be the highlight of your time in Saipan, I'm sure.
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