11 November 2014

Two, ladies and gents

11 November 2014
She's still a dainty little thing. She's hovered around 20 lbs since she was nine months old. She's getting taller though, and sometimes I don't know who it is I'm staring at when I see her long, toddler-sized body sprawled out in her crib. Every now and again, we get little glimpses of that "two" 'tude. And we've seen a few mini tantrums. But for the most part, she really is an easy-going, happy girl.

Scout's language has really taken off over the past month or so. Still working on putting words together, but it's just so fun to hear her mimic words. Some are crystal clear and some sound nothing like the word she intended, but she's improving every day. My favorite is when she says words "inside out", like "Pooker" for Cooper, "rossi" for sorry, etc.

She's always been very generous with"Please", "Thank You", and "I yoouu" (I love you).


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Darling, darling pictures. I love them.

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